performance protocols

Aleks Slota "Destinations Unknown" (2019)

statement / about the work

3 participants.

12:00 noon center of a city.

The participants join hands in a line. The hand grip is firm but friendly, no sweaty palms please.

Once the hands have been joined the performance begins, no more talking.

The first participant to select a destination in their mind starts leading the group to that destination, at anytime another participant can take charge and change the direction, remember no talking.
Non-verbal communication is key to persuading the other participants and to the resolution of differing opinions.

All destinations are allowed, even "absurd" ones.

When someone wants to leave the performance they have to let go of the other person's hand, that person may not want to let them go, both have to agree. If the middle person wants to leave they must join the hands of their two partners.

The performance lasts as long as at least two people are holding hands, once the pair agrees to part the performance is over.

pdf-version to print and perform